Parent Community Involvement (Title 1)
What is Title 1?
The purpose of Tennessee's federally funded Title I, Part A Program is to support local school districts improve teaching and learning for students in high-poverty schools so that these students meet the state's challenging content and performance standards. According to the US Department of Education, the purpose of Title I funding is “to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. The basic principals of Title I state that schools with large concentrations of low-income students will receive supplemental funds to assist in meeting the students’ educational goals. Low-income students are determined by the number of students enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program. For an entire school to qualify for Title I funds, at least 40% of students must qualify for free and reduced lunch.
CCES Parent Community Engagement Plan
Parent Community Involvement Goal:
Parents, students, educators, and community members working together for the future sucess of the student.
Inform parents and communities about school programs and student progress through frequent communications.
Possible strategies for communications:
- Open House/parent conferences. Parents are informed of special programs, such as Title 1, offered at their school. Information is given as to how these programs support academic achievement. Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities and become involved in their child's learning.
- Use of district communication platforms, such as the Monroe County Schools App and Website
- Calendars - a comprehensive school calendar that includes important school dates, parent teacher conferences, city wide parent meetings. and local community events.
- Breakfast or luncheon with parents/community members - parents and community members are invited to share an informal event and enjoy a meal with the children while taking part in planned activities
- School sign - a means of communication for the community. We place information about our school basketball games, special events, vacations days, and PTO meetings on the school sign.
- Annual Activities - Grandparent's Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Dinner, Graduation, Christmas programs, Annual PTO Turkey Dinner, field trips.
- Conferencing - opportunity for every parent to have a formal conference with their child's teacher at least twice a year.
- Feedback - sending student work home weekly for parent review (take-home folders used for students in grades K-2).
Parenting: A resource for parents is made available at the school, with publications offering information on parenting and supporting students' academic growth. Connections to the Monroe County Family Resource Center are made available through the school office. Contact information is distributed annually to families and is on display in the school office at all times. Assistance with various aspects of family needs is available to all parents and community members through this school-community partnership.
Our goal is to help all families establish and develop home environments to support their children in their education.
- Parent packets are provided at kindergarten pre-resignation to help parents know what to expect as children make the transition from home to school.
- Student backpacks are provided. These backpacks have school supplies, like paper and pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue.
- A mini health fair is organized and coordinated by the school, families, and community during enrollment of kindergarten studnets. Hearing, vision, and dental screening are provided for all students and a nutrionist reviews healthy eating habits with the children and their parents.
- Learning objectives are shared with the parents to inform of the many ways they can be involved with their child at home and encourage their student.
School Decision Making
School decision making and advocacy: Include families/community members as participants in school decisions, goverance, and advocacy through PTO, school improvement plan stakeholders, committees, and other parent organizations.
Possible strategies for school decision making and advocacy:
- Develop school decision-making team to include parents, students, teachers, administration, and community members for collaboration in the planning, review, and improvement of special programs such as Title 1. Provide appropriate training for parents to participate on this team.
- Parent-Student-Teacher Compacts - A written document outlining the specific responsibilites of stakeholders for setting guidelines to ensure the success of the student.
- Stakeholders develop a vision and mission for the school
Collaborating with the Community
Collaborating with the community: Coordinate resources and services for the school, utilizing students, families, businesses, and other groups.
Possible strategies for collaborating with the community:
- Cultural awareness - Introducing our students to other cultures through guest speakers for other countries. Students will be exposed to different cultures, like Denmark and Scotland, through meeting with individuals from those countries.
- School garden and/or landscape projects - Students and faculty with the financial backing of the PTO plant gardens and landscape the school grounds to bring awareness to our environment and contributing to society.
- School Book Fair will be provided for all community members
- Earth Day, Arbor Day, Special Events, and Nature Days - help of people and companies in our community, our students gain an appreciation for where we live, are able to go on hikes, visit the local Ranger Station and fish hatcheries, and learn what students can do to preserve our environment.
- Holding an annual Veterans Day program.
- Collaboration with Coker Creek Village for Middle School Fun Day and the Hoedown Dance.
- Attending meetings of community clubs, such as the Coker Creek Ruritan Club
- Use of school greenhouse
CCES Parent Engagement Advisory Council
2023-24 Parent Engagement Advisory Council
Shan Dalton, Principal
Leslie Basil, Teacher
Cayci Dennis, Teacher
Justina White, Teacher
Kari Broomell, Teacher
Amber Cole, Parent
Christy Moser, Parent
Amanda Skinner, Exceptional Education Teacher
Parent Student Teacher Compact
Coker Creek Elementary School Mission:
We are committed to working together to provide a quality learning environment, in which all children can learn and develop to their maximum potential.
Student Agreement
It is important that I strive to reach my personal best at all times. Therefore, I will do the following:
- I will take responsibility to attend school each day, arrive on time, and not leave early unless absolutely necessary.
- I will check Google Classroom and communicate with my teacher daily.
- I will attend school in person or digitally every day, unlesd my health prevents me from doing so.
- I will complete assignements and bring necessary supplies.
- I will work to improve my math and reading fluency regardless of my current level.
- I will strive to meet established goals, and I will request help when needed by asking my teacher questions, studying at home, and attending after school tutoring.
- I will show respect for myself, school staff, classmates, and school property.
- I will follow all school rules and respond to conflict in an appropriate manner.
Parent/Guardian Agreement
It is important to have my child reach his/her full potential and to meet the goals established by the school. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:
- I will see that my child attends school daily, is well rested and ready to learn, arrives on times, and does not leaver early unless absolutely necessary.
- I will help my child with any additional work as needed at home, and Iwill sign and return necessary documents in a timely manner.
- I will support the school's mission and encourage my child to follow school rules and to treat school staff with respect and dignity.
- I will maintain regular communication with my child's teacher in order to monitor my child's progress throughout the school year.
- I will work with my child to improve their reading and math fluency through at home practice and games.
Teacher Agreement
Students must be given the opportunity to be successful. Therefore, I will do the following:
- I will attend school each day, arrive on time, come prepared to teach, and not leave early unless absolutely necessary.
- I will follow the state's guidelines for curriculum development.
- I will communicate on a regular basis with parents/guardians and students in a respectful manner regarding student behavior and academic progress.
- I will give parents multiple times and means to communicate with me.
- I will provide an environmnet that is conducive to learning and that supports the mission of the school.
- I will have high expectation for students to meet the goals established by the school.
Parent Community Involvement Goal: Parents, studnets, educators, and community members working together for the future success of the student.
School Mission: We are committed to working together to provide a quality learning environment, in which all children can learn and develop to their maximum potential.