Our Mission » About Us

About Us

Mission Statement:
The mission of Coker Creek Elementary School is to ensure that all students learn skills and acquire knowledge that will prepare them for the next level of education.
Coker Creek Elementary is a community based school nestled in the small Coker Creek Community south of Tellico Plains, Tennessee, and part of the Monroe County School District.  Our lower enrollment enables our staff to work with individual students more in depth and promote strong foundations for their learning and future successes after high school.  
Why should your child attend Coker Creek Elementary School?  
Nowhere else in Southeastern Tennessee can you have this experience!  We serve grades K-8.  We have low teacher to student ratios, and we have a faculty that absolutely loves working with our students!  Our student population is low, so our students have the opportunity to grow and learn with each other!  This gives them a rock solid foundation on which to grow when they enter high school and beyond.  Schedule a visit  and see for yourself! 

Other services offered at CCES - 
Exceptional Education - Resource & Inclusion 
We DO offer Speech and OT(Occupational Therapy) services when qualifications are met.
(Sorry, we do not serve CDC currently)